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Hello and welcome!!! Currently, I am the Shop/CTE instructor and IEA Director for WPSD, having previously taught middle school math and science for 15 years. I'm a 1996 graduate of Wrangell High School and attended Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado where I obtained a BS in Biology and a Minor in History before seeking my teaching credentials. Prior to teaching in Wrangell, I taught Science at Hopson Middle School in Barrow, AK. When the opportunity arose to teach in my hometown, I jumped at the chance and now feel very fortunate to be an educator and raise a family in the place that I grew up in. Teaching shop was something I never set out to do nor saw in my future. But as a product of the Wrangell Shop program, my experience building boats in my garage and working on commercial fishing boats over the past 25 years I have developed a love for building, tinkering and engineering. I am SUPER excited to be in my new role in the shop where I look forward to CREATING many wonderful projects with the students in the months and years ahead!
For more detailed information about my classes including syllabi, calendar, expectations, supply list, grading policy and class documents please visit my class website at the link below.
Phone: 907-874-3395
Class Website:
Class Instagram: mrdavies_shop
Period 1 Marine Fab
Period 2 IEA/Carl Perkins Grant Work
Period 3 General/Advanced Woods
Period 4 Welding I/Advanced Welding
Period 5 MS Transition Math
Period 6 MS Shop
Period 7 General Shop