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Phone: 907-874-3395


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Secondary Education: Social Studies Broadfield
Masters in Educational Leadership

My high school courses are Alaska Studies, U.S. History, World History, Government, Alaska Studies, Job Skills, Economics, Strength Training, Health and I also teach a 7/8 English Class. I am the Head Coach for both the high school and middle school wrestling teams. 

I grew up in the southwestern interior of Alaska and earned my teaching credentials in Idaho and Montana. After teaching in Prince William Sound for a few years, I moved to Wrangell where I've been teaching since 2012. When I'm not in the classroom, I enjoy spending time with family, getting outside to hunt or fish, coaching wrestling, traveling, and learning about history.

Supplies: For all academic classes, students will need a 1.5" or larger binder, note paper, and at least 4 dividers for each of my classes. The dividers should be labeled "Notes", " Projects", " Handouts", and "Articles". 

Feel free to contact me by phone at 874-3395, email me at, or stop by my classroom, Room 214. 


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