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WHS School Info

  • Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. No students should be in the building prior to 8:30a.m. or past 4:00p.m. unless they are under the supervision of a teacher, coach or advisor.
  • School Safety & Security Due to safety and security, all use of the WHS,SMS or EES facility by any person or group outside regular classroom hours must go through the WHS, SMS or EES office where a facility use form must be obtained.
  • School Visitors: All visitors to WHS, SMS or EES buildings must check into the office.
  • Parking: Reminder - The parking spot outside the Art Room is handicap parking.  Please do not park there if you do not have a permit to do so.
  • Attendance: Students who plan to miss school days for family trips or other reasons other than an unexpected illness, need to pick up an Advanced Leave Form from the High School Office to have signed by their parents and completed by all of their teachers. Please be familiar with the school’s attendance policy: "A student may not accumulate more than ten (10) absences during a semester.  The parent, guardian, or custodian must contact the school office with a note or telephone call within 24 hours of the absence in order for the absence to be considered excused.  Absences over the ten (10) day limit per semester will be considered as excessive and detrimental to the academic success of the student." "Notice will be given to the parent, guardian, or custodian at five (5) and (9) absences."
  • PowerSchool App! Parents: Don’t forget, PowerSchool now has an app! You can download it for free from your mobile device’s app store. Once you download it, it will ask you for a district code, which is CPRQ. If you do not have your PowerSchool login information or you were not set up, please call the office and we can set you up with one right away. The app is an excellent way to stay up to date on your student’s attendance, grades, assignments, etc.
  • School Spirit! Every Friday, students and staff are encouraged to wear RED!
  • Lunch - Menus can be found in the weekly bulletins.

  • School Calendar - WHS Calendar

For more information, please contact: 

Mrs. Kathleen Easterly

Wrangell High School, PO Box 651 Wrangell, AK 99929

Phone: 907-874-3395 - Fax: 907-874-3143

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