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Leader in Me: 7 Habits is a book series that we are using on a school-wide platform in each classroom to help students learn how to be leaders. This includes practicing self-reliance, taking initiative, goal setting, emotion management, conflict resolution, etc. These are all good habits that can be utilized by each grade level to help challenge our leaders to rise!
Second Step/ PATHS is a SEL curriculum that helps students address different social emotional skills. Fourth and fifth grade currently work with this curriculum although it is available for all grades if needed. Third grade will sometimes utilize this curriculum as well. We focus on recognizing emotions, emotional management, empathy vs. sympathy, problem solving, goal setting, and bullying prevention. This curriculum is also used to help our upper grades practice self-respect and independence as we prepare them to move onto middle school.
Quaver is an online curriculum that we use for our K-3 grades which uses music, sing-alongs, storytelling, and movement to engage students in social emotional learning. Students are highly engaged and enjoy participating with the characters as they progress through the lesson. Quaver follows a progression of lessons that tie into one another from week to week. Each K-1 pod participates in the lessons weekly, while second and third grade participates on their own separate days. The lessons are similar in topic, but the challenge increases as grade level increases.
Superflex starts with the You are a Social Detective! book which introduces vocabulary that the students who participate will use to progress through the curriculum. This series teaches students to use their eyes, ears, and brains to figure out and understand what their peers are doing or planning to do next. It also helps students to understand what others mean by their words and actions. This is an intervention or small group style system that is used to help improve social skills in our students who are in need of assistance.
Zones of Regulation teaches students how to regulate their feelings and practice emotional control. This curriculum assigns emotions to four different colors to help students easily identify how they are feeling. The curriculum also provides strategies to help students identify emotional triggers and signals from their bodies that they are entering one of their emotional zones. Our emotions can impact how we interact with our peers, so it’s important to have the ability to identify and self-regulate!
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